Return of the Brasidas

It was many moons ago,back in May last year,that the final specimens of my Brasidas foveolatus foveolatus culture passed away. From the ova left behind (incubated in dry coir, which resulted in a relatively low hatching rate), ten specimens were raised, four of which I gave away at the last PSG (Phasmid Study Group) meeting in January. out of the six individuals I kept (three males and three females), four are mature specimens (three males and one female) and two are subadult specimens (two females) .

Today, I managed to observe the first instance of mating in this generation. Here are some pictures:

The mating pair (pardon the low quality):img_6751

The spermatophore:


Family picture!:


Adult female compared to subadult female:


Adult female:


Adult male:


To conclude, this is very easy species to raise, not requiring much in terms of humidity and it begins feeding very easily as a freshly-hatched nymph when offered bramble, however the ova have to be kept in slightly-damp coir/coconut fibre and a form of substrate such as coconut fibre or sand should be offered for the females to lay the ova in.

For my next post, I should hopefully update the progress of my Parectatosoma cf. hystrix culture and perhaps some of my new acquisitions from the last PSG meeting.